It creates an online album without the clutter and concerns of social media, and guides you with topics and prompts and does all the techy stuff while you just focus on capturing and telling stories, memories and messages for now and the future? You can create yourself or with others and share on your terms.
Sometimes it’s fun to have some help, asking us the questions and holding the device. And sometimes we prefer to capture topics solo. Either way you control your privacy and who gets to view your album pages.
For people with cognitive conditions, like dementia, it captures their past and present, a legacy of who they are as well as future messages, to speak for them when they can no longer speak for themselves.
For healthy retirees with time on their hands and a lifetime of memories it’s the perfect project to curate, capture and share as a legacy and lasting keepsake of their lives to date.
For older and younger people alike it provides a unique platform for Intergenerational connection, guiding young + old pairs to connect over common ground and uncommon conversation and build a lasting sharable record of it.
For those losing access to their memory it applies principles of reminiscence therapy to enhance wellbeing and quality of life, while capturing and preserving memories and the wishes, intentions and messages for the future.
For people recovering from a brain injury it may have the potential to use principles of reminiscence therapy to help restore memory and brain function, especially in younger people.
For new parents it captures the unfolding new life of their child and family, their experiences as parents and valuable anecdotes, hopes and dreams for the future that might otherwise be lost.
For people approaching end of life, especially those in palliative care, it provides a guided method of celebrating and capturing their life story, who they are and what makes them them, and messages and wants for the future.
Social media can be an unfriendly and even unsafe place for anybody, but for people living with some disabilities it is especially so.
For older parents caring for an adult child with a disability, and concerned for their long-term future, it is a means of building an on-demand dossier of life skills, stories, activities and messages to access when they are no longer around.
For First Nations peoples it presents an opportunity to capture and preserve language and culture, in a discrete and access-managed way that meets cultural rules and traditions.
For amateur historians it presents a means of building an online history album chronicling a subject through different chapters and topics, introducing video and audio to the media mix.
For anyone on a holiday it is a means of celebrating in an album, capturing the best of each day’s photos and videos as well as anecdotes and ideas, and sharing with friends and family back home, then reflected back upon forever.
For anyone who wants to know themselves better, become more self-aware, reflective, and potentially empowered, it provides a journey of self-discovery, capture din a digital visual and written diary to reflect back on, or to share with those closest to you.
We are partnering with subject matter experts, practitioners, health and wellbeing experts and cultural owners to develop guided plans and prompt questions for some of the specific groups and uses outlined above.